Sat.Aug 28, 2021 - Fri.Sep 03, 2021

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Feeling undervalued and how to make a change

Practically Perfect PA

Feeling undervalued and how to make a change One of the many challenges that I often hear from Assistants is that their Executives and the wider organisation does not understand the role and the work that Assistants undertake. Assistants are renowned for getting on with their tasks and ensuring everything [.].

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New Entrepreneurs: Here’s How to Get Your Business Started on the Right Foot


I have so much admiration for this week’s guest on SUCCESS Line. I talk to Rudolph, an African-born immigrant who moved to the U.S. six years ago with almost no network. He has since been able to get a great job as a medical research professional and become an important member of his community. Now, he has started a business in the hopes of using his experience to help other African-born immigrants find their way in America .

Finance 304

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America's Growing Diversity

Small Business Labs

According to the 2020 census, between 2010 and 2020 the white population in America declined  by 5.1 million.   And as the chart below (click to enlarge) nicely illustrates, all of America's population growth in the past decade came from people of color.   The chart comes from Brookings' New 2020 census results show increased diversity countering decade-long declines in America’s white and youth populations.  The article point out that white population

2020 250
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Always Reveal Gifts to Clients Instead of Flaws

Virtual Moxie

Never spin a story. Spinning is absolutely the same as lying. Yet, it’s not untruthful to uncover and expose the other side of, well, anything. It’s the classic glass half empty or glass half full analogy; the glass may be half empty (truth), but it’s equally true to say that the glass is half full. And it’s not spinning to share the truth that’s more in alignment with who you are as a human.

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Unlock Your Productivity: Simple Steps for Every Professional

Unlock your full potential with our comprehensive guide on productivity. This detailed resource explores the three fundamental pillars of effective task management: Todo List Mastery, Time Management, and Habit Optimization. Learn to capture and prioritize your tasks effectively, schedule them using proven strategies like the Pomodoro Technique, and maintain your productivity through consistent habit tracking.

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Please Stop Using This Jargon

On The Job

It's often the little things that get on our last nerve at work. The guy who heats up his stinky lunch in the office microwave. The boss who sends emails after 5 p.m. on Friday. But according to a new study, one of the most annoying things is business jargon. According to MyPerfectResume , the most annoying jargon is: "Giving" -- 59 percent "I'll ping you" -- 59 percent "Think outside the box" -- 56 percent "Low-hanging fruit" -- 54 percent "Reinvent the wheel" -- 53 percent "Synergy" -- 52 perc

Forms 130

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5 Strategies to Increase eCommerce Conversion Rate

Small Business CEO

If you want to succeed in eCommerce, you can’t settle for average results. And if you want to be one step ahead of your rivals, you have to be dominant across all customer acquisition and retention efforts. Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay. One important part of this story is the way you handle your conversion rate strategies. The average conversion rate for most eCommerce stores is around 2 to 3% , but you shouldn’t be comfortable with this.

Agencies 116
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Moxie Tip #9: Focus on Your Own Stuff

Virtual Moxie

You can’t truly be focused on your own stuff if you have one eye focused on everyone else’s. Plus, an overabundance of looking around dulls your creativity. Stay focused and creative. The world needs what you know how to uniquely offer. Don’t get confused by what’s going on around you. Your best work is the work that’s right in front of you.

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Ann Hiatt on What It Takes to Be an Executive Assistant

Go Burrows

In 2002, Ann Hiatt was fresh out of college, starting her first post-university job supporting Jeff Bezos’ at Amazon in Seattle. This position, one she would hold for the next three years, would change the trajectory of her whole life. It would also entirely shift her understanding of the scope and potential of the executive assistant role, a topic that now plays a big part in her life’s work as she gears up to publish her first book Bet On Yourself: Recognize, Own, And Implement Breakthrough Op

2002 96
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3 Financial Tips to Consider Before Pursuing Your Passion Full Time


Earning money doing work you truly enjoy is a dream come true. But realistically, most people aren’t able to financially support themselves doing what they’re most passionate about. So how do we find a balance between the work we’re required to do and the work that inspires us? We asked ourselves this very question toward the latter part of our corporate careers.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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5 Executive Coaching Strategies That Enhance Your Career

Small Business CEO

In order to enhance your career, you need to take deliberate steps to boost your performance in the workplace and at job interviews. Working with an executive coach can help with both. Professional career coaches will tell you that there’s no silver bullet to building a successful career. photo credit: Rodnae Productions / Pexels. Below are some of the strategies that executive coaching professionals suggest to their clients.

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Top 10 Best Financial Resources for Women

Bonnie Low Kramen

By Bonnie Low-Kramen. The pandemic has hit everyone hard and when it comes to finances, and it has hit women especially hard as many had to leave the workforce either temporarily or permanently. Plus, life isn’t cheap, with planned and unplanned expenses, some days it may feel like your household finances are going downhill fast. You may not know where to turn for trustworthy advice.

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#130: Alissa Stearman (Executive Business Partner at sweetgreen) and Alexa Gundermann (Executive Business Partner at Tack Advisors)

Go Burrows

This episode is special because my friend Meagan Strout (CEO of Tack Advisors – the leading provider of management consulting and recruitment for administrative professionals) agreed to share the recording of one of their recent webinars called “Admin Leader in Action!” Meagan hosts an engaging conversation with Tack Advisors’ Executive Business Partner, Alexa Gundermann and Alissa Stearman, Executive Business Partner to the CEO and Co-Founders of sweetgreen.

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How to Work Less and Live More: 3 Tips for Building a 4-Day Workweek


The first day back after a holiday weekend inspires many people to wonder why every week can’t be more play and less work. Joe Sanok says that it can. Joe is a licensed counselor, entrepreneur, speaker, and host of the podcast, Practice of the Practice. He’s also the author of Thursday is the New Friday: How to Work Fewer Hours, Make More Money, and Spend Time Doing What You Want , due for release on Oct. 5, 2021.

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Elevating the Virtual Interviewing Experience

Sharing your authentic self in a virtual interview can be an unwanted challenge. How do you break through the digital barrier when conducting a virtual interview and share your exceptional self? Think in unconventional ways to elevate the virtual interviewing experience.

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4 Must-Have Packing Materials Before You Begin Packing

Small Business CEO

Moving houses isn’t an easy job. Planning and scheduling the move, wrapping up the paperwork, coordinating with the moving agency if you’ve hired one, and unpacking after you’ve finally reached your destination—it all gets a bit too much. But with some tools, you can make packing a whole lot easier for yourself. Here are four packing materials to stock up on before you begin packing. 1.

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Coffee And Conversations

Brilliantly Better

“Coffee and cigarettes” is a 2003 movie by Jim Jarmusch. If you didn’t see it yet, I recommend it. You may be surprised to see a Roberto Benigni (Oscar winner for La Vita e Bella) at the beginning of his career. Benigni played in many Jarmsuch movies, and there are at least two that I. Read more. The post Coffee And Conversations appeared first on Dragos Roua.

2003 52
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Episode 386: Jeff Brown talks about Reading To Lead


Jeff Brown joins the show to share what the most successful leaders have in common: reading. Find out how it unlocks limitless creativity and influence. This episode is sponsored by LinkedIn Jobs. When your business is ready to make that next hire, LinkedIn Jobs can help by matching your role with qualified candidates so that you can find the right person quickly.

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How to Turn Pain into Purpose According to Teneshia Jackson Warner


“ You have to also know when to surrender and say, hey, I’ve done everything I can do, and at this point, I’m simply going to trust God, trust the process, that it’s all going to work out for my greater good.” CEO of EGAMI Group and author of “The Big Stretch,” Teneshia Jackson Warner, knows how to turn pain into purpose.

Learning 277
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Mandatory COVID Vaccination Policy Template

New vaccine mandates and testing policies will affect employers with more than 100 workers. Get Paycor’s free, customizable vaccination policy template to communicate critical details and new requirements to your employees. Get Paycor’s Template today!

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Top Reasons You’ve Been Rejected For A Small Business Loan

Small Business CEO

After carefully evaluating the costs of starting and operating your business, you realized you need a little financial assistance. You decide to apply for a small business loan through a local bank or credit union. You gather the appropriate documentation and complete several applications, but unfortunately, you learn you’re not qualified. What went wrong?

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Oversimplifying Versus Analysis Paralysis

Brilliantly Better

Entropy is a wonderful concept. It measures the degree of disorder or randomness in a system. If you really think about it, being able to measure how messy something is it’s actually mesmerizing. Because if we know how f *d up things are, we can also have a rough idea about the effort required to get. Read more. The post Oversimplifying Versus Analysis Paralysis appeared first on Dragos Roua.

UPS 52
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The Importance of Assistants in Startups

C-Suite Assistants

Running a startup is an incredibly exciting yet challenging responsibility. Not only are you focusing on how to grow your business through hiring, training and fundraising, but you are also juggling the million administrative tasks that come up during the day. Startups are all about keeping up this momentum and energy, putting systems in place to manage rapid growth and a lot of hard work and innovation.

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The Founder of Black Girl Ventures Gets Things Done


Shelly Bell’s eternal optimism allows her to see everything as a problem that she can solve, not just in business, but in the community and the world as a whole. It’s what sets her apart from many would-be entrepreneurs who flit from one business idea to the next without committing. Bell, the founder and CEO of Black Girl Ventures , solves problems and achieves her goals through ingenuity, dedication and relentless positive energy.

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Is Training the Right Solution?

Speaker: Tim Buteyn

Let's set the scene: you’ve identified a critical performance gap in your organization and need to close that gap. A colleague suggests training, but you suspect there’s something going on that training can’t address. How can you determine if training is the right solution before you commit your budget and resources to a new training program? In this webinar, you will learn how to determine if training is the right solution using the Behavior Engineering Model.

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What is ‘OOH Advertising’, and How Can You Start Taking Advantage of it?

Small Business CEO

No, the term ‘OOH advertising’ isn’t simply reserved for advertising that might make people literally say “Ooh!” – even if that’s the effect you’re aiming for. The ‘OOH’ part of the term is, as you might have guessed, an acronym – and, as implied by Entrepreneur Handbook , stands for ‘out of house’. You might also sometimes see OOH advertising referred to as ‘out of home advertising’ – but, whatever exactly you call it, you can see it in various places outside.

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Opportunity Management

Brilliantly Better

The mainstream approach towards opportunity is that it’s a very rare event, and it should be prioritized when it happens, maximizing any potential outcomes. While I wholeheartedly agree with “maximizing any potential outcomes” I do think there are a few thoughts worth pondering on the first part of the definition. What Is Opportunity?

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5 Easy Ways to Use Video Content to Get Eyes on Your Business!

Jennie Lyon

Everywhere you look on the internet, you find information flung at you from every direction and medium. We are awash in stimuli for most of our day on our mobile devices, laptops, and computer monitors. When you consider marketing your business amidst this deluge of content, it can seem pretty overwhelming! Thankfully, you can use… The post 5 Easy Ways to Use Video Content to Get Eyes on Your Business!

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Shop Online and in Stores for Incredible Italian Style Peppers


When home cooking becomes too delicious to save for Sunday suppers, it’s time to share the magic with the world. Our success spotlight today features Oliverio Italian Style Peppers’ CEO & Owner Mark Oliverio to discuss his family’s irresistible line of pepper sauces that bring 50 years of tradition into every customer’s kitchen. For More on Oliverio Italian Style Peppers, visit

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Revitalizing Dry Content: A Lesson in Engagement

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

We’ve all been there. You’ve been given a pile of dry content and asked to create a compelling eLearning course. You’re determined to create something more engaging than the same old course that learners quickly click through, but how do you take this “boring” content and create something relevant and engaging? Many instructional designers will say, “Boring in means boring out.

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What Will Trigger an IRS Audit and Should You Worry?

Small Business CEO

Having transparency as a company creates an excellent image to the world, making many people will like your organization. Start with compliance with the tax laws and the IRS regulations in general. This makes you have a cordial relationship with the authorities. The accuracy of your reporting needs to be accurate always; hence have skillful accountants in your team. photo credit: Unsplash.

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365 Days Writing Challenge – Checkpoint Eight

Brilliantly Better

Today is the last day of the eighth month of this year. From the first day of 2021, until now, I published a post every day on this blog. I still have 4 months to go, because the goal is to publish an article for 365 days. At the end of each month, I do. Read more. The post 365 Days Writing Challenge – Checkpoint Eight appeared first on Dragos Roua.

2021 52
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How to Conduct a Virtual Performance Review with Your Executive Assistant


Have you thought about conducting a performance review with your virtual executive assistant? Performance reviews are a typical and expected part of work life when you’re co-located in an office, but employers often seem to hesitate over the virtual performance review. In light of the pandemic, many are wondering how to conduct the review while remaining sensitive to the situation, as well as determining review goals.

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