Tue.Sep 12, 2023

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Navigating change and embracing partnership

Practically Perfect PA

Navigating change and embracing partnership Assistants have gone through major changes in recent years. As Executives and companies have adapted to new situations, the expectations for Assistants have also evolved. This article delves into the shifting Assistant landscape and the effects of global events like the [.

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Unlocking the HR Secrets of Hybrid Work


Leaders are grappling with how to adapt their workplaces and cultures to new remote and hybrid work models. The path forward requires a multifaceted approach, incorporating compassion, flexibility, data-driven adaptation, and patience. With intentional efforts, companies can build cultures where every generation recognizes their role in shared mission and success.


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Inhuman Error: How Do We Counteract AI Bias?


ChatGPT may be the most influential “person” of 2023. When the artificial intelligence chatbot rolled out at the end of last year, it thrust a conversation that has mostly happened in tech circles for decades into the public eye. Academics panicked at the thought of students submitting papers written entirely by AI, tech companies rushed to quickly push out their own AI chatbots and small-business owners and entrepreneurs behind the curve were suddenly faced with incorporating machine-learning t

2018 311
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Job Seekers With Past Convictions Might Find a Fresh Start in Federal Employment


The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released two reports that are part of a larger effort to inform the government on potential barriers that individuals with prior arrest or convictions face when seeking federal employment. The first report, “ Second Chances Part I ,” delves into the employment probabilities of individuals with prior arrests or convictions within the federal sector.

2003 239
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Unlock Your Productivity: Simple Steps for Every Professional

Unlock your full potential with our comprehensive guide on productivity. This detailed resource explores the three fundamental pillars of effective task management: Todo List Mastery, Time Management, and Habit Optimization. Learn to capture and prioritize your tasks effectively, schedule them using proven strategies like the Pomodoro Technique, and maintain your productivity through consistent habit tracking.

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EQ vs. IQ: Which Matters More for Your Career & Personal Development?


Achieving success in today’s world requires more than raw intelligence. It demands empathy, effective communication skills and adaptability across personal and professional situations. Understanding the difference between emotional intelligence (EQ) vs. intelligence quotient (IQ) is vital to career and personal growth. EQ and IQ each contribute to your personal and professional outcomes.

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Are Additional Certifications Useful in the Workplace?


The competition for a promotion or an entirely new job is fierce. To level up and stand out from the applicant pack, you might consider obtaining an additional certification. But if taking time away from work is not feasible, or you’ve already attended graduate school, then looking online for training opportunities could be your best bet. Online professional certificate programs can offer enrollees a shorter and more focused course of study with a much lower price tag.

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Most workers are worried about poor indoor air quality

Workplace Insight

Most workers are concerned about poor indoor air quality and close to half think its damaging their health, according to a new survey conducted by Opinium for Spiralite. According to the poll, British workers are mostly concerned about the impact of air-quality on their health (64 percent concerned compared to 36 percent not concerned). One fifth (20 percent) are very concerned, rising to 38 percent of people living in London.

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5 Powerful Steps To Selecting The Perfect Online Course Topic

Jennie Lyon

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, the power of online learning has never been more evident. I’ve been helping individuals like you unleash their potential through online courses for over a decade. Let’s dive into why choosing the right course topic is a game-changer for your online course journey. Content Overview: Selecting the ideal course topic… The post 5 Powerful Steps To Selecting The Perfect Online Course Topic appeared first on Jennie Lyon Digital Marketing &#

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Shanghai Design Week announces details of London event

Workplace Insight

Shanghai Design Week has announced details of its ‘Design to Wonderland’ event, being staged in London for the first time later this month. The event organisers hope that the inaugural event will serve as a global platform to spotlight Chinese innovation across a number of creative sectors, including architecture, art, fashion, and beauty. Taking place from 16th – 29th September, China Exchange Centre will host the event, a collaboration between Shanghai Design Week and the London Design Festiv

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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Is there ever a genuinely good or bad time for change?

Workplace Insight

There are two questions, regarding change, that seem to plague quite a lot of people: “is there a good or bad time for change and is there a good or bad change?” Now it may seem the answers would be quite straight forward, but probably as no surprise the actual answer is “it all depends”. That is because change is about people and we all know there is no formula for people, so it is impossible to give a formulaic, straight forward answer.

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